When do you train?
Every sunday afternoon (unless specified otherwise) from 3-4pm.
What is your weekly fee?
There isn’t one! We function as a not-for-profit community group and exist for the sole purpose of helping you to be a better dog owner. We therefore have an annual membership fee that enables you to train your dog every training week for a year- there are no additional weekly or monthly costs.
How do I apply to train my dog?
Just click on the ‘Apply’ button at the bottom of the page and follow instructions as given.
It says classes are full- how long will I have to wait to join?
We have a new intake every month of both puppies and older dogs who are starting training with us. Applications open on the first sunday of the month for the following month, so check back at the beginning of the month to secure your place. We do not hold a waiting list- it is first come, first served!
My dog is reactive to other dogs- can you help me?
Exposure to other dogs is often helpful to reduce reactivity. As we train on an open field it provides a good opportunity for your dog to learn to listen to you whilst being around many other dogs. Our trainers are on hand to advise you should you require more help or specific guidance on how to help your dog further.
How long is a training session?
Weekly training sessions are 1 hour long in british summer time (March-October) and 45 mins long in the winter due to the lack of light as we train outdoors.
What if more than one person wants to train the same dog?
The membership is assigned to the person and not the dog. Therefore each person wanting to train requires their own membership. Please see our membership page for more information on joint membership for the same dog.
Can my child train our dog?
Yes-our Junior membership is open to anyone aged 11-16yrs, however they must be accompanied by an adult aged over 18 at all times. Unfortunatley we cannot allow under 11 year olds to train with us.
What should I bring with me to training?
-Dog treats (small pieces and easy to eat quickly)
-Dog toy (not squeaky)
-Correctly fitting collar (+/-harness if usually worn) with ID tag and lead (not retractable)
-Poo bags
-Water for your dog
-Suitable clothing for yourself (it can be very cold and wet in the winter)
-Please bring your membership QR Code with you to each session (via phone or on paper)
How do I know if training is cancelled?
Any training cancellation will be updated on the club’s website and facebook page by noon of the day of training. There is also a list of the dates we do not routinely train on specified in the member handbook.
Where do I park?
There is free parking available at our training grounds (Sutton Coldfield Rugby Club). Please note that parking can get busy when there is a rugby match taking place at the same time as training. There is an overflow carpark behind the clubhouse (building ahead to the left when you drive into the grounds- turn left at the bottom of the bottom carpark!).
Who will be leading the training session?
Each class is run by one of our experienced and dedicated volunteer dog trainers. We try to allocate the same trainer to each class each week to maintain consistency. Trainers are usually identified by their blue coat, hat or t-shirt.
Where do I go on arrival?
For your first session we recommend arriving 10-15 mins early to allow your dog to get used to the field. Make your way to the large container in the top corner of the field to register your arrival with one of our trainers.