Terms of Membership
Last updated: 17 December 2023
For the safety, convenience, enjoyment and mutual understanding of all Club members, Club volunteers and third parties, membership of the Sutton Coldfield & District Dog Training Club is conditional on acceptance of the following Membership Terms and Conditions. All members are obliged to adhere to and act in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
All activities of the Club are governed by the Club Rules as ratified by the Kennel Club.
All owners and handlers of dogs being trained at the Club must be current, paid-up members of the Club – be it Adult, Junior or Senior citizen.
Multiple members can participate in training sessions to train the same dog. This can consist of more than one member participating in a training session together, members alternating between separate training sessions or a combination of both. Multiple members must ensure that their conduct does not negatively impact classes or other members. Every person participating in Club training sessions must be registered separately as a member.
Membership is valid from the date of joining and must be renewed annually.
There is no minimum or maximum dog age restriction for membership.
A responsible adult must be in attendance at all times while a junior member is participating in training sessions or attending any other Club event.
For the benefit of members and volunteers, the Club has taken out a third party insurance policy with an insurance provider. The premium is paid out of Club funds and the cover provided is limited to training sessions and all other Club activities. It is important that members are aware of the extent of the cover which this policy provides. As it is for third party liability only, each member and/or their dog(s) is covered for any claim which may be made against them arising from damage caused by that member and/or their dog(s) and for which they are legally liable. The insurance does not cover the first £100 of any claim. If you are the injured party, your claim is against the offending member and/or their dog(s), not the insurance company direct.
Dogs may only be trained by paid-up single members who, as such, are covered by insurance.
Any incident which is likely to give rise to a claim will be reported to the insurance company in the first instance by the Club secretary, who should be given full details of any occurrence immediately it arises. Members are strongly advised to provide similar cover themselves for periods outside those of the Club’s activities. Many will find such provision through their household insurance policy, which they should check accordingly. Those members who have purchased individual health insurance for their dog(s) may also find that third party cover is included in their policy.
All communications with the Club are subject to our Data Privacy policy.
New members to the Club will join a Puppy or Beginner class depending on the age of their dog.
Upon successful application, new members will be allocated the training start date as advertised on our Club website at the time of application. New member start dates are usually the first Sunday of each month from January to November.
Applications for the next new starter classes will be accepted via our website until the class capacity has been reached or the application window is closed – whichever is earlier.
We prefer applications and renewals (including membership fee payments) to be managed through the Club’s secure website. However applicants and members who do not have the ability to make a payment online can contact the membership secretary to make alternative arrangements.
- Existing members can contact the membership secretary via our Members Query page.
- Non-members / Applicants can contact the membership secretary via our Contact Us page.
Please ensure that your dog is fully vaccinated before joining training classes. We recommend your dog is vaccinated in accordance with the PDSA’s Dog Vaccine guidelines or as advised by your vet.
Dogs must not attend training sessions while suffering from a contagious illness or while in season. In line with general veterinary understanding (as published by the PDSA) we consider a dog in season for 4 weeks.
You must comply with all instructions issued by any Club trainer or Club official.
Ensure your dog is wearing a correctly fitting collar (with or without harness if usually worn) and lead. Do not bring your dog on a retractable lead as they are not suitable during training. A collar with identification (owner name and address) must also be worn as it is a legal requirement. Your trainer can advise further on the suitability of your training equipment.
You must carry poo bags and pick up after your dog.
As a member, you will have received a QR code to show that you are a fully paid up member of the club. Bring your membership QR Code with you to each session, whether that is on your phone, other device or via a print out. Only the registered member can participate in training. Handlers on the field without membership are not covered by our insurance and may be excluded from training.
We may update our Terms and Conditions from time to time. Changes to the Terms and Conditions take effect when they are published on our website.
Publication on our website of any changes to the Terms and Conditions is deemed notification to you.
In addition, we may also notify you of any changes to the Terms and Conditions via one or more other methods including (but not limited to) email, notice on our website, announcement at training sessions, written notice posted at our training ground and letter posted to your address as registered with the Club. If we notify you by any “other method” we will endeavour to notify you prior to the change becoming effective.
We recommend you return to this page periodically to check for any changes to and to ensure you are aware of the Terms and Conditions currently in effect.
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please get in touch via our Contact Us page.